Optical Micro-spectroscopies on a Path to Identify the Source of Life

Optical Micro-spectroscopies on a Path to Identify the Source of Life

Optical Micro-spectroscopies on a Path to Identify the Source of Life

Chemical Raman map of meteorite

Among all information investigated in mineralogy, meteorites play a vital role in the understanding of our universe. The history of life and the pathways to form habitable worlds, can be unveiled by studying these objects.
Optical micro-spectroscopies such as Raman microscopy and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), offer a very high specificity combined with a good spatial resolution, two critical specifications for geological investigations, as for this application the features of interest can sometimes be lost in large matrices. Moreover, these characterization techniques are non-destructive, a crucial point as the artifacts involved in these studies are rare and precious.
In this application note, we present two examples: a polished meteorite and a gas inclusion in quartz, showing how Raman microscopy and X-Ray Fluorescence can help provide a better comprehension of our universe and the origins of life.

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