Yu-Pei Tseng, an application scientist with HORIBA, embarked on her scientific journey driven by an insatiable curiosity about the unseen world and a passion for understanding the intricacies of nature. Born and raised in the vibrant city of Taipei, Taiwan, Yu-Pei's early exposure to electronic engineering during her bachelor's studies ignited the spark of curiosity that would guide her through a diverse and enriching scientific career.
As a bright student with a thirst for knowledge, Yu-Pei navigated through the intricacies of electronic engineering before embracing her growing fascination with optics. To her, the beauty of optics lay in its ability to unveil the hidden, to explore the interaction of optical waves with matter, and to decipher the mysteries beneath the surface. Optics became a tool for her to delve into the unknown, prompting her to pursue a master's degree in optical electronics.
Her journey didn't stop there. Yu-Pei continued to evolve, wholeheartedly embracing photonics during her doctoral studies. She ventured into the realm of bio-photonics, exploring the application of optical techniques for breast cancer diagnosis. This transition marked a pivotal moment, as Yu-Pei discovered her niche in the intersection of optics and biology, utilizing microscopes and lasers to probe biopsy samples and unravel the secrets of living matter.
After obtaining her Ph.D. in Denmark at the Denmark Technical University, Yu-Pei took her passion for optics and photonics into industry, accumulating valuable experience in translating research ideas into real-world applications. Her seven years in Denmark not only deepened her technical expertise but also immersed her in a culture that proactively addressed gender inequalities.
Denmark's progressive approach to gender equality left a lasting impression on Yu-Pei. The absence of gender-specific restroom signs and efforts to bridge salary gaps showcased a commitment to fostering an inclusive environment. This experience significantly shaped her perspective, firmly reinforcing the belief that, in the realm of science, one's gender should not dictate their capabilities or limit their opportunities.
Intrigued by the potential of combining microscopy and spectroscopy, Yu-Pei found herself drawn to HORIBA. The company’s commitment to crafting customized instruments through the integration of microscopy and spectroscopy resonated perfectly with her passion for exploring diverse samples, from biological entities to semiconductor materials.
Yu-Pei's daily responsibilities as an application scientist involve providing technical support to customers and conducting demonstrations. Whether addressing inquiries from customers or running analyses on samples sent for evaluation, she leverages her extensive background in optics to unravel the complexities of diverse materials and the flexibility of HORIBA’s Standard Microscope Spectroscopy (SMS) systems.
The beauty of HORIBA’s products lies in their ability to merge microscopy and spectroscopy, offering a customizable platform for researchers and industries alike. Yu-Pei finds joy in exploring the multitude of possibilities that this instrumentation provides, allowing her to unravel the secrets of various materials, be those biological samples or semiconductor materials.
Throughout her scientific journey, Yu-Pei's commitment to her work has been unwavering. Her dedication is not confined by gender norms or stereotypes. She sees herself as a scientist, a seeker of knowledge, and a discoverer of the beauty that lies beyond the visible spectrum. For Yu-Pei, the true essence of being a scientist transcends gender, and her story reflects her resilience and passion, propelling her unwavering quest for comprehending the world through the lens of optics.
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