RATA Testing
HORIBA Process and Environmental Houston offers the services of an analytical mobile laboratory. Our analytical trailer outfitted with HORIBA VA-5000 series analyzers capable of measuring NOx, CO, O2, SO2 and THC. The mobile laboratory is setup to perform Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA), analytical compliance testing, unit tuning and temporary CEMS.
HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory performs RATAs in accordance with EPA regulations 40 CFR 60 Appendix A Methods 3A (O2), 6C (SO2), 7E (NOx) and 10 (CO) also following 40 CFR 60 Appendix B Performance Specification 2 (NOx & SO2), 3 (O2) and 4 (CO). All testing is also in compliance with 40 CFR 60 Appendix F.
Along with the capability of performing RATAs, HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory is capable of performing analytical compliance testing in accordance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 30 Chapter 117. HORIBA uses the EPA regulations of CFR 60 Appendix A, Methods 3A (O2), 6C (SO2), 7E (NOx) and 10 (CO).
HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory is capable of assisting in unit tuning. With the ability to measure NOx, CO, O2 and SO2 HORIBA locates the mobile laboratory on a specific stack and gives real time data while the unit is adjusted to reach optimal performance. With a HORIBA technician onsite to monitor and respond to readings or setup and calibrated to let operations receive real time data.
HORIBA’s analytical mobile laboratory is also capable of being setup as a temporary CEMS to take the place of an out of service plant CEMS. The HORIBA VA-5000 series analyzers measure NOx, CO, O2 and SO2 with an onboard sampling system. With this asset the client can minimize downtime on a unit with replacing the plant CEMs with HORIBA's temporary CEMS trailer.
HORIBA Process and Environmental Houston offers accurate real time data with knowledgeable and dedicated technicians.