Presenter: James Husband BA VetMB DipECBHM DCHP MRCVS
How can we prevent hypocalcaemia? Isn’t it just ‘feeding them right?’
For decades we have been aiming to optimise cow health and maximise milk yield. Now, with better understanding of the causes of hypocalcaemia, and better analytical processes to evaluate feeds and the calcium status of cows and herds we can prevent and monitor hypocalcaemia more effectively and simply.
Pro-active monitoring of cows enables faster decision making and limits the adverse effects of hypocalcaemia, helping animals and farms to greater productivity. The down cow is easy to spot, but just how many have less obvious problems? Whether you are new to practice or have more than a few farm visits under your belt, Our guest speaker for this webinar is James Husband BA VetMB DipECBHM DCHP MRCVS and he will give us the benefit of his research and experience on this important topic which impacts every cattle farmer.
Duration: 75 minutes
Bovine Calcium Meters
Pocket pH Meter
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