空气中可吸入的制动粉尘颗粒中包含有纳米颗粒。这些颗粒小于 10 μm,有些甚至小到 2.5 μm,被吸入后可能对人体健康产生负面影响。再加上路上的车辆越来越多,车辆行驶里程也越来越大,以及伴随着对人口密度的担忧(尤其是在城市地区),监管机构也已经注意到这一点。此外,轮胎磨损产生的微粒也存在类似的担忧。
在欧洲,颗粒物测量计划(PMP)的非正式工作组接到了调查制动器粉尘的任务。PMP 小组内的两个工作组目前正在开发一种具有普遍性的取样和测量制动器微粒的方法。加州空气资源委员会(CARB)也正在对微粒标准进行调研。
HORIBA 可提供完整的解决方案,利用我们的排放分析和制动测试专业知识帮助 OEM 和制动器系统供应商准备可能的法规。
HORIBA 提供一系列制动器测试台架系统。这些稳健的、紧凑的制动器测试系统,使刹车系统性能测试、NVH 测试和制动器粉尘分析成为可能。随着对制动器粉尘测量的需求的增长,颗粒测量现在可以通过过滤称重的方法测量颗粒质量,或者 10 纳米到 2.5 um的固体颗粒可以被计数,元素分析也可用来分析化学成分。
解决方案的好坏还取决于将其整合起来的自动化系统。STARS Brake 自动化软件帮助建立测试平台,评估数据,并生成可定制的报告。
In Europe, the informal working group of the Particulate Measurement Program (PMP) received a mandate to investigate the topic of brake emissions.
HORIBA Automotive has been an active member in all four task forces within the PMP group. These groups are working on the development of a commonly agreed method for sampling and measuring brake wear particulates. Setting the framework for the test procedure used within the draft UN-GTR GRPE 2023/4, which specifies how brake emissions have to be measured to fulfill Euro 7 standards. Visit our Euro 7 page to learn more about the proposed emission standards, including brake emissions.
The California Air Resource Board (CARB: Vehicle non-exhaust particulate matter sources) also has an ongoing investigation into particulate standards.
We provide complete brake dust measurement solutions to help OEM and brake system suppliers prepare for possible regulations, leveraging our emissions analysis and brake testing expertise.
Further, we offer a range of brake dynamometer test systems. These are robust, compact brake inertia test systems that enable brake system performance, NVH, and brake dust analysis.
In line with the growing appetite for brake dust measurement; particulate measurement can now be performed by measuring particulate matter mass (PM2.5 and PM10). This is done by means of gravimetric filtration, or the total and solid particles (TPN and SPN) can be counted for particulate in the range of 10nm to 2.5um.
Elemental analysis is also available to analyze chemical composition.
Visit HORIBA Scientific for more information.
A solution is only as good as the automation that connects it. STARS Brake Test Automation software helps set up tests, evaluate data, and generates reports meeting the requirements of draft UN-GTR GRPE 2023/4.
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