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Quality Assurance Activities

HORIBA's quality assurance activities are based on the common understanding that QUALITY in the broad sense (including quality, environment, safety, and regulatory affairs) must be established as part of the HORIBA Group's culture. To this end,   product quality personnel are engaged in various quality management actions to work closely with customers and to generate additional value from said product quality.

  • We use the same web tool throughout the group companies to collect information on global market situations in order to quickly respond in the case of a product defect. We also work to enhance quality by connecting this web tool to our corrective and prevention systems.
  • Design review is an important design quality management function. Besides the Development Design Division, the Quality and Service Divisions actively participate in review to conduct a concurrent assessment.
  • In 2017, we opened the Department of Quality in our in-house university, HORIBA COLLEGE. The department strives to develop human assets to improve QUALITY (including quality, environment, and safety) relating to our products and services to impress our customers.
  • Stepping up change order control to maintain consistent quality

We also collaborate with HORIBA Group and suppliers to establish a comprehensive quality assurance system to provide customers with high quality products with consistency throughout the world.

Global QUALITY Meeting

Since 2016, quality managers from Japan and international HORIBA group companies   are holding the Global QUALITY meeting.

Defining the word QUALITY in the broad sense (including quality, the environment, safety, and regulatory affairs), we engage in various activities: use of global key performance indicators (KPIs) and its reports, implementation of supplier quality guidelines, notification of design change information, centralized management of law and regulation information, and implementation of an inter-company quality human asset exchange program. Our objective is to raise our QUALITY to the level of HORIBA corporate culture and enhance additional value in HORIBA’s way.

Global QUALITY Meeting

Objectives and Results of Integrated Management System [Quality]

2023 IMS Objective and Result for HORIBA Group in Japan

QualityAccomplish responsible production and consumption, and maximize the productivity Improving Customer Satisfaction(Ex. Speed of Corresponding to complaints)Extraction of fundamental issues and implementation of improvement activities by data analysis
Reducing Failure Cost: Reducing service without charge, and reducing time for MTTRClarification of countermeasure issues and implementation of countermeasure issues by strengthening loss data analysis
Quality of Production and Supplier : Maximize the productivity of resourceImplementation of product productivity (QCD) improvement through on-site proposals at the Biwako Factory
Reducing quality risk by strengthening Change Control (5M+1E) Strengthening risk management when design changes

2024 IMS Objective for HORIBA Group in Japan

Objective:Become a trustful solution provider by corresponding to changes

QualityAccomplish responsible production and consumption, and maximize the productivity Improving Customer Satisfaction(Ex. Speed of Corresponding to complaints)
Reducing Failure Cost: Reducing service without charge, and reducing time for MTTR
Quality of Production and Supplier : Maximize the productivity of resource
Reducing quality risk by strengthening Change Control (5M+1E) 

Details of Integrated Management Systems is https://www.horiba.com/en_en/company/social-responsibility/horibas-csr/integrated-management-system/