The combined spectral image is rendered through a color coded plot of Raman (green) and photoluminescence (red) signal strength over the corresponding color bracketed Raman shift positions shown in the upper traces. The perimeter of the crystal appears green because of the absence of photoluminescence at that location. The separate Raman and photoluminescence images show the spatially varying differences in solid state structure as revealed through vibrational and electronic spectroscopies.
在此之前,我们报道了使用共振拉曼光谱和光致发光光谱以及少层MoS2的成像来确定层数和应变的空间变化。在应用案例中,我们重点介绍了用于表征2D WS2晶体的拉曼和光致发光(PL)成像。