Pharmacology Toxicology and Pharmacy

Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy provide a starring role in the medicines and treatments that keep us healthy. HORIBA clinical chemistry and Raman technology help to understand the properties of drugs and medicine from design to formulation. Our steady state and lifetime bench-top spectrofluorometer FluoroMax® series and Yumzen range assist with disease and drug action through biology and pharmacology. HORIBA’s cutting-edge technology supports the insight into drug and toxicant action at the molecular level along with the interactions of chemicals with biological effects.

Interest of the Month

QSP Newsletter_October 2020_HORIBA Medical_EN

QSP Newsletter #6

QSP Monthly Newsletter of the Quality Slide Program

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Raman Microscopy: A must for pharmaceutical product analysis, from formulation studies to QC

The development of a new drug product is a long road in the pharmaceutical industry. Understanding active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and compound spatial distributions, investigating final product homogeneity, and differentiating chemically similar molecules such as polymorphs are constant challenges when working to guarantee product quality and process efficiency.

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