
Film quality analysis of silicon oxide film

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Changes in film quality within the same type of film using a spectroscopic ellipsometer

The quality of SiO₂ thin films on Si substrates may change during the process from the start of film formation. With UVISEL Plus, you can evaluate the difference based on the difference in refractive index.

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer UVISEL Plus

  • Evaluation of optical constants for film thickness on the order of Å
    The phase modulation method and temperature control function, which do not involve mechanical movement, suppress the effects of vibrations and enable reliable evaluation with a high signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Film thickness evaluation up to 85 μm (depending on film condition)
    High wavelength resolution and unique optical system enable film thickness evaluation over a wide range.

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer from FUV to NIR: 190 to 2100 nm


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