We offer customized preventative maintenance programs designed by experienced equipment specialists. These are tailored to fit a testing facility’s needs and to optimize equipment performance.
Performing maintenance at regularly scheduled intervals helps to extend equipment life and improves overall efficiency.
Plans are customizable to specific requirements in order to keep test schedules on track. Therefore, to avoid unplanned downtime and keep labs running on schedule, we strongly recommend implementing a preventative hardware and software maintenance plan.
Our service engineers perform all maintenance according to factory quality standards. This team of highly trained specialists is kept up-to-date on changing standards and regulations, uses specialized verification tools, and receives constant factory support.
Further, our programs include inspection and maintenance activities which can be designed to include applicable global standards/regulations, WLTP or CFR standards, or other pre-agreed criteria.
A preventative maintenance contract allows a customer to benefit from a specific service level agreement for spare parts and repairs.
Parts and labor are guaranteed.
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