Guest Forum: Current Situation of a Lithium Ion Battery and Future

Erstellt von Akira YOSHINO* | |   Technical Reports

*Lithium Ion Battery Technology and Evaluation Center (LIBTEC)

A lithium ion battery is small and lightweight secondary batterie, and has greatly contributed to the realization of the current mobile IT society. The mechanism, features, constituent materials, battery structure and electrode structure of this lithium ion battery are explained. Along with 25 years of market results in mobile IT applications (small consumer applications), improvements in battery performance, improved reliability, and cost reduction have been realized. And now we are facing the next turning point of automotive (for electric vehicles). Not only that cars will be motorized, but also significant social change that will occur when lithium ion batteries merge with future technologies such as IoT, AI, 5G. I would like to talk about this future car society.


Main components and structure of lithium ion battery
Main components and structure of lithium ion battery