Scientific: OEM

Optical Spectrometers and Camera Systems for OEM Industrial Applications

Miniature Spectrometers • Scientific-Grade Cameras • Holographic Gratings

Grating Spectrometers with CCD, CMOS and PDA

From miniature fiber spectrometer to research grade grating spectrometer systems with TE or LN2 cooled CCD and InGaAs detectors.

OEM Deep-Cooled Scientific Cameras

A range of Scientific CCD and Scientific CMOS Cameras with high sensitivity detector Solutions for low light and OEM Industrial Applications

Optical Diffraction Gratings

Diffraction Gratings for Industrial OEM and Scientific Research

HORIBA Scientific is a market leader in CCD spectrometers, diffraction gratings, and scientific cameras. Our OEM division offers spectroscopy and imaging solutions that will exceed your next-generation requirements and consistently outperform the competition. That includes:

  • Better Stray Light performance thanks to the integration of our Aberration Corrected Holographic Concave Gratings
  • Superior SNR thanks to higher full well combined with lower read noise on our CCD and CMOS optimized electronics

Our technology portfolio spans VUV to near-infrared wavelengths, and our global team of highly experienced project managers and engineers work closely with you to understand your product requirements and business needs. Together we will deliver innovative and cost effective volume spectroscopy and imaging solutions for your most challenging industrial applications.

If you are not a future OEM and are looking for larger, research-grade spectroscopy systems (1/4 meter spectrometers and longer focal length), please visit our Custom Spectroscopy Division

Browse Products

Syncerity Scientific Cameras
Syncerity Scientific Cameras

Deep Cooled UV/Vis/NIR and VUV Scientific Cameras

Syncerity VUV
Syncerity VUV

Deep Cooled Vacuum Ultra Violet Scientific Cameras

Holographic plane gratings
Holographic plane gratings

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Blazed holographic plane gratings
Blazed holographic plane gratings

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Ruled plane gratings
Ruled plane gratings

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Holographic concave gratings - Type I
Holographic concave gratings - Type I

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Flat field and imaging gratings - Type IV
Flat field and imaging gratings - Type IV

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

Monochromator gratings - Type IV
Monochromator gratings - Type IV

OEM gratings design and production capabilities

CP20 Series
CP20 Series

OEM miniature spectrograph


Imaging Scanning Monochromator

nanoGPS OxyO Encoder
nanoGPS OxyO Encoder

X, Y, Θ Absolute Position Encoder

nanoGPS OxyO Scale
nanoGPS OxyO Scale

X, Y, Θ Position Calibration Plate For Machine Vision and Microscopy


Compact Spectrometer for OCT

OEM Raman Filters
OEM Raman Filters

OEM Raman Filters

OEM Raman Lasers with wavelength-stabilization
OEM Raman Lasers with wavelength-stabilization

Only available for volume OEM purchase, minimum order quantity 50 units.

OEM Raman Miniature Probes
OEM Raman Miniature Probes

OEM Miniature Raman Systems and Components

Spectrometers - LIBS spectrometers
Spectrometers - LIBS spectrometers

Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

Synapse EM Camera
Synapse EM Camera



Miniature 18-Bit Spectrometer


Cost-effective, High-performance Mini Spectrometer

If you are not a future OEM and are looking for larger, research-grade spectroscopy systems, please visit our Custom Spectroscopy Division


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