MacroRAM Educational Laboratory

Educational Labs

MacroRAM Educational Labs

The MacroRAMTM Raman spectrometer is an ideal instrument for teaching Raman spectroscopy to undergraduate students. Its compact and robust design, including Class 1 laser safety, means it is safe for use in all undergraduate laboratories.

To facilitate the use of the MacroRAM in the undergraduate teaching laboratory setting, a series of educational labs were created. Designed to teach some of the most important concepts in Raman spectroscopy, such as identification, quantification, and vibrational chemistry, these educational labs can be used as is or tailored to fit the needs of any undergraduate laboratory. As an example, Lab #1, which introduces the user to Raman spectroscopy, the MacroRAM and the LabSpec 6 software, can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnail below. Other labs are available upon request.

Educational Labs:

Experiment 1

An Introduction to Raman Spectroscopy and Using the MacroRAM and LabSpec 6 Software

Experiment 2

Raman Spectroscopy for Quantification of Isopropanol in Water

Experiment 3

Raman Spectroscopy of Some Common Solvents

Experiment 4

Using Raman Spectroscopy to Identify Plastics

Experiment 5

Headspace Raman Spectroscopy of the CO2 Molecule

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