A complete re-training for agencies with the PrintQuest AFIS-APIS System. Ideal for those agencies that have rotated personnel through departments.
Training includes latent input process, card input, search results review, charting results, administration (archiving, creating users, etc.). Optimizing latents with various skeleton related parameters.
These training programs are offered to Law Enforcement Agencies and take place at their facility. Prices include all expenses. Prices are for U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies. Extra fees may apply for foreign destinations, based on availability of airfares, travel time, and local costs.
Who Should Attend: Those personnel who will directly administer or operate the PrintQuest AFIS System who are new to the system.
Length of Training: 3 Days
Class Size: Limited by Host Agency
Price: $5,995.00 for (5) PrintQuest users.
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