Spectral Identification Assistant within Raman Spectra Database
All LabSpec 6 Software modules can now benefit from IDFinder, a user-friendly tool for identification of unknown materials and analysis of mixtures. Whether you want to characterize your materials using Raman mapping, your particles using the ParticleFinder analysis or your packaging structures using Layers, IDFinder makes Raman spectral identification faster, more accurate and more effortless than ever, embedded in the LabSpec 6 Software Suite, for easy interpretation and sharing of the obtained data.
IDFinder guides you through Raman spectral database creation, selection, and management. You select the Raman spectra package that best suits your needs and combine these databases with your self-built Raman spectra libraries, to perform the most precise and reliable identification. IDFinder allows navigation within your libraries and enlarging and enhancing your Raman spectra databases with ease, using intuitive management functionalities, streamlining your studies, and improving identification accuracy. You will experience have a permanent license to ensure continuous access to your custom libraries for all your applications using Raman spectroscopy.
Request your demo and trial version today to discover the power of IDFinder and unlock the full potential of your spectral analyses.
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