
Transmission Raman Spectroscopy: Review of Applications

Transmission Raman Spectroscopy: Review of Applications

The use of the transmission raman mode instead of the traditional backscattering one brings additional flexibility for the analysis of material, especially when averaged information of bulky samples is required.

The use of the transmission raman mode instead of the traditional backscattering one brings additional flexibility for the analysis of material, especially when averaged information of bulky samples is required.

The measurement of samples in the transmission configuration offers some possibilities that cannot be addressed by the conventional backscattering coupling with a microscope. Although not new, transmission Raman Spectroscopy (TRS) has known recently a rising interest, due to the possible combination of high power NIR lasers and dedicated accessories that permit the analysis of samples with this geometry.

TRS requires diffusing materials, such as tablets, and was initially developed for pharmaceutical applications. It works as well for capsules and other diffusing and translucent materials - not only in pharmaceutical field - requiring whole sample analysis.

Examples of applications can be found in various domains, such as biomaterials, (tissues, food) or polymers. It can be used successfully to measure samples through the packaging.

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Transmission Raman devices for pharmaceutical applications are available in locations other than the United States of America, Europe, and India.

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