Ointments and creams used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry may contain solid particles and/or emulsion droplets. Analyzing these particles in the final product is currently performed by manual microscopy or automated image analysis. Automated image analysis has the benefits of quickly measuring thousands of particles and reporting both particle size and shape distribution results. This study utilizes the PSA300 automated image analysis system to quantify the size and shape of various ointments and creams.
Static Image Analysis System Particle Size
Dynamic Image Analysis
Direct Imaging Particle Analyzer
Analyseur de nanoparticules
Analyseur de nanoparticules à centrifugation
Granulomètre par diffusion laser
Granulomètre par diffusion laser
BET Flowing Gas Surface Area Analyzers
BET Surface Area Analyzers
Simultaneous Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
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