What are Euro 7 Emission Standards?

Why new Euro 7 emissions regulation was needed

Euro 7 emissions standards are standards that the European Union governing body is implementing to cut down on automobile pollution & increase electric vehicle battery life.

In 2019, the European Commission announced its Green Deal which was a wide-ranging strategy to become climate neutral by 2050. This included initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of toxic pollution from all vehicles.

To improve air quality, Real Driving Emissions (RDE) tests using Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) were added to the strategy. The addition of this technology resulted in a significant reduction in vehicle real world exhaust emissions, and led to their inclusion in Euro 7 proposals.

Discussions started in October 2018 and concluded in April 2021 with a final presentation to the Advisory Group on Vehicle Emissions Standards (AGVES). The Commission finally published the Euro 7 act and annexes on November 11, 2022.

Euro 7 Emission Standards: test cells can be configured for emissions, performance, and durability testing
Core elements of the proposed Euro 7 regulation for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles
  • Euro 7 is now a single legislative act that covers all on-road vehicles, both light and heavy-duty. This change harmonizes the regulation in several aspects, but different tests and criteria will be applied to both categories.
  • Light-duty vehicle emissions are specified at Euro 6 levels (harmonized to the lowest current levels for gasoline and diesel) with the following additions:
    • PN > 10 nm replaced PN > 23 nm
  • Heavy-duty vehicle emissions limits are reduced with the following additions:
    • PN > 10nm replaced PM Number > 23 nm
    • New components NMOG, NH3, CH4, and N2O have been added for RDE testing
  • Mass emissions limits for NMOG, HCHO, NH3, N2O, and CH4
  • The principal type approval method is now on-road RDE testing, performed over a wider range of boundary conditions than Euro 6 and VI in terms of driving behavior, ambient temperature, and altitude.
    • Any emissions component that cannot be measured realistically on board, must be measured in the laboratory using some form of random, simulated, or replicated RDE test cycle (to be decided).
    • Light-duty vehicles will require a low temperature test (- 7°C) as specified in GTR 15.
    • Heavy-duty engines must be tested in the laboratory using the World Harmonized Transient Cycle (WHTC) and fuel mapping cycle.
    • Additional test cycles may be required if the engine and exhaust after-treatment is to be supplied as a package to a separate vehicle manufacturer.
  • Euro 7 for all light-duty (passenger and commercial) vehicles begins July 1, 2025, heavy-duty vehicles begin on July 1, 2027.
  • Vehicle emissions must be below the specified limits for a longer time and distance than Euro 6 and VI. An additional factor will be applicable for extended vehicle life.
  • All vehicles must be fitted with an on-board monitoring system, combining vehicle On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) with additional exhaust sensors to indicate to the driver when the vehicle is emitting in excess of the specified limits. This data is to be stored in the vehicle and be available for digital transmission.

Visit our light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles exhaust pages for more detailed information on how we can help you meet all Euro 7 standards of today, and future changes as well.

Euro 7 non-exhaust emissions standards
  • Emissions limits will be applied to vehicle brakes, using the UNECE harmonized brake test and measurement method.
  • Microplastic emissions from tires will also be regulated once test and measurement methods are developed by the UNECE.

Learn how HORIBA can help you to deal with non-exhaust brake emissions

Euro 7 battery and durability standards
  • Euro 7 is technology and fuel neutral and includes specifications for pure electric vehicles in terms of battery and range durability.

Euro 7 evaporative emissions
  • Evaporative emission limits will be reduced and On-board Refuelling Vapour Recovery (ORVR) testing will be required.

In addition to the above standards, Euro 7 requires comprehensive, effective deterrents to vehicle tampering in the vehicle data (e.g. odometer), engine, and emissions control devices.

Comprehensive testing will be specified for Conformity of Production (COP), In Service Conformity (ISC) and also for market surveillance purposes (by EU Commission, member states, accredited third parties, and by remote monitoring systems).

What’s Next for Euro 7?

The published act and annexes by the European Commission are currently undergoing the co-decision process by EU Parliament and Council.

Simultaneously, the necessary implementing acts for Euro 7 are being drafted and discussed in AGVES and specialist expert small working groups. It has been reported that the two processes will be completed mid 2024.

In addition to Euro 7 legislation outlined above, both light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles will be required to meet new regulations limiting CO2 emissions under the EU “Fit for 55” package in the European Green Deal initiative.

Euro 7 Test Equipment

How to Update a Test Cell for Euro 7 Emissions Regulations: The Euro 7 emissions regulations are still under development. However, based on the current proposals, the following test equipment is expected to be essential for compliance.

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Euro 7 FAQs Emissions Standards

Euro 7 Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the top questions our experts are being asked about the new Euro 7 proposed regulations and their answers.

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Euro 7: What Is It, And Where We’re Headed

Euro 7 has been getting a lot of attention recently because of its potential impact on the brake industry. So I decided to sit down with Stefan Guether, Global Product Manager Brake Test Systems for HORIBA Europe... By: Brian Hagman

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