The 17th Chase the Case presents a case of a female patient aged 55, diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL). The Double Hydrodynamic…
Lymphocytosis is a relatively common finding and can be due to a wide range of conditions either reactive e.g. Viral infections Epstein Barr Virus…
This QSP Newsletter 30th edition discusses a case of 66-year-old male with Myelofibrosis. This edition also presents the interpretation of blasts on…
Feline veterinary expert to speak on diagnostics and treatment of potentially fatal disease to cats in free-to-attend online meeting
This QSP Newsletter 29th edition presents a slide review of patient aged 78 in clinical hematology unit with hyposegmented, hypogranulated,…
Did you know that 1 in 4 people worldwide die of conditions related to thrombosis? [1]. October 13th marks World Thrombosis Day, a campaign designed…
This QSP Newsletter 28th edition discusses the case of a 70 year-old male in perioperative resuscitation unit with Anisocytosis, Microcytes,…
The 16th issue of the Chase the Case discusses the Brazilian clinical case of a girl aged 2, diagnosed as Chediak-Higashi syndrome. The Yumizen H2500…
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