Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), consisting of rolled-up single sheets of carbon atoms, have received much attention recently. SWNTs are known to emit in the IR region, and their emission can be used to characterize their diameter and other structural properties. The NanoLog® (Fig. 1), the modular spectrofluorometer from HORIBA Jobin Yvon, is designed with near-IR detectors and an iHR spectrometer for efficient spectral analysis of SWNT emission. Near-IR detectors available include both liquid-N2-cooled Symphony series of InGaAs arrays (Fig. 2), which can take a full spectrum rapidly, as well as economical single-element InGaAs detectors. These detectors are sensitive to photons from 800–1700 nm, with optional detection to longer wavelengths. In addition, for extra sensitivity and time-resolved measurements, a near-R sensitive photomultiplier-tube may be used as the detector.
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