Whether you want to review the fundamentals, find the answers to the questions you didn’t dare to ask, gain more in-depth knowledge, or discover the latest technology advancements in research, HORIBA’s Educational Hub is the place to go.
From training videos and technical application notes, to interactive learning tools and newsletters, you can explore an abundance of resources from our experienced scientists, experts and engineers that will assist you to take your research and understanding to the next level. HORIBA is committed to contributing to technological innovation and supporting the scientific community through cutting edge technology.
Image Gallery
HORIBA Scientific is fully aware of the power of spectroscopic imaging techniques, which provide valuable information to scientists seeking to understand interactions of matter and develop new materials. However the aesthetic qualities of the results should not be ignored either – in our Image Gallery we present some of the striking Raman images obtained on HORIBA Scientific Raman microscope systems, which can be appreciated by scientists and non-scientists alike.
Science in Action
Our new series showcasing how our technologies, scientists, design and software engineers, and solutions are applied to real-world situations. From drilling thousands of feet below the icy surface of Antarctica to exploring concepts of life on other planets, our stories will stimulate your imagination and open new possibilities in your own scientific endeavors.
YouTube Channels
S.T.E.M: (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
At HORIBA we pride ourselves as a leading company which provides cutting edge technology and enables innovation and research. As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we deeply believe that it is our duty as corporate citizens to increase the understanding of the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in our lives. Therefore, we have developed a number of STEM activities around the world to help inspire and motivate the young generation to study and work in STEM fields.
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