View Sharp™

Video Introducing a Technological Breakthrough in Raman Imaging with the EasyNav™ Package




事業セグメント: Scientific
製造会社: HORIBA France SAS


  • 試料のトポグラフィを素早く把握
  • Focus Ramanにおける最高品質のイメージ取得が可能
  • 電源ONですぐに表面解析へ

ViewSharpTM 例:

 ViewSharpTMあり(dolomite sample, 50x)


ViewSharpTMなし(dolomite sample, 50x)


10x view of cystine sample with ViewSharpTM


10x view of cystine sample without ViewSharpTM


10x view of dolomite sample with ViewSharpTM


10x view of dolomite sample without ViewSharpTM


With ViewSharpTM , the topography of all sample points can be extracted:

3D view of dolomite mineral sample at 10x

3D view of dolomite mineral sample at 50x

3D view of a rutile mineral sample, with a rough surface height of 766 µm, at 10x.


With ViewSharpTM, map the Raman image on top of the topography and get the highest quality Raman images.

3D Raman mapping of a rutile mineral sample, with a rough surface height of 766 µm, at 10x. The rutile sample consists of two forms of TiO2 displayed in red and blue, anatase in yellow and organic contamination in green.


ViewSharpTM アプリケーションは、EasyNavTMパッケージに含まれています。


* 項目は必ずご記入ください。
