Hybrid Picosecond Photon Detector (HPPD) Series

Hybrid Picosecond Photon Detector (HPPD) Series
Hybrid Picosecond Photon Detector (HPPD) Series
HPPD-C1 controller

HORIBA’s latest development in TCSPC detector technology

The HPPD is our latest development in TCSPC detector technology that combines the benefits of conventional PMT design (wide spectral response and large active area)
with the advantages of solid state APD technology (good detection efficiency, negligible after-pulsing and exceptional temporal resolution). Hybrid detectors are becoming the
first choice for FLIM and short lifetime determination.

事業セグメント: Scientific
製造会社: HORIBA Scientific

HPPD Benefits

  • 5ps lifetime resolution
  • High quantum efficiency (QE)
  • Reduced afterpulsing resulting in better decay residuals
  • Temperature controlled for stability (Peltier)
  • USB interface
  • Fully shielded design




Spectral Range220-650nm300-720nm220-860nm300-870nm


IRF (FWHM) @ 400nm



Max QE (%)

28% (340nm)47% (530nm)23% (280nm)26% (630nm)

16% (630nm)

Active Area (mm)


Dark Counts





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