Fraction Cell Accessory

The Fraction Cell makes measurements with only a few milligrams of sample and has a measurement range from 10 nm to 400 μm. This unique accessory for the Partica LA-960V2 analyzer is available in 5, 10, and 15 mL volumes and fully solvent resistant.

事業セグメント: Scientific
製品分類: 粒子計測装置
製造会社: HORIBA, Ltd.

The Fraction Cell is used when there is not enough sample for Flow Cell measurement, or to reduce the amount of precious sample and hazardous dispersion mediums, such as toluene, minimizing exposure and cost. It features a magnetic stirrer which keeps the particles in circulation, ensuring the representability of the particle size distribution measurement.

Typical Applications
Samples requiring minimal dispersion such as precious samples, bio material, and highly volatile solvent. Measurements can even be performed on samples using no dispersing force, allowing for greater flexibility in sample handling.


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