Spectroscopy in :60 - DiscoverEEM App, for EzSpec (1:15)
Spectroscopy in :60 - Pass/Fail App: For EzSpec (1:04)
Spec in :60 - Concentration Curve App: For EzSpec (1:04)
Spectroscopy in :60 - Protein A280 App: For EzSpec (1:04)
EzSpec™ Fluorescence and Absorbance Software (2:20)
Standard Apps:
- Build/Use a Concentration Curve
- DiscoverEEM
- DNA/RNA Purity (A260/A280)
- Pass/Fail
- Protein A280
EzSpec lets you see your recent method and data, and your personal favorites.
Widest Range of Spectroscopic Acquisition Modes:
- Fluorescence emission spectra plus Abs & IFE*
- Fluorescence excitation spectra plus Abs & IFE*
- Capture fluorescence value plus Abs & IFE*
- Fluorescence EEM plus Abs & IFE*
- Fluorescence kinetics (emission spectra* or single point intensities)
- Absorbance and % Transmittance (spectra or kinetics)
* Unique to Duetta
Acquire Menu
PDF Report Generator or Export:
- Includes data and results of fitting/processing
- Full method details
- 2D and 3D graphs
- Instrument and user identification information
- Customizable logo
- Optional and customizable signature fields
- Full data and method traceability