GDOES Software

Quantum and Image

  • Quantum™ software for the HORIBA Scientific GD instruments is equipped with the latest algorithmic developments to provide concentration profiles versus depth, on line SPC facilities for production follow up but also the Time Plus function allowing to increase the measuring time during analysis when needed and the praised Plasma Cleaning facility (published paper) allowing sample surface cleaning prior to a measurement.
  • Patented IMAGE records the complete emission spectrum record of any bulk sample or layer (over 1 micron) in less than 2 minutes with high resolution and unlimited dynamic range (due to HDD detection). IMAGE is built-in on any instrument featuring a monochromator.


事業セグメント: Scientific
製造会社: HORIBA France SAS

Multitasking and multilingual, Quantum software offers easy access to all the functionalities of the instrument (control of poly and mono operation, management of the patented PolyscanTM pulsed operation, etc.).  Quantum can be used for data treatment on other computers in emulation mode while the instrument is making measurements.

Powerful and flexible data handling with the unique functionalities of Time Plus (to increase analysis time during measurement), UFS (Ultra Fast Sputtering) to enhance the erosion of polymers and measurement with multiple acquisition frequencies. Real time display of acquisition, ultra fast treatment options (including multiple smoothing), automatic determination of interfaces, calculation of trends and export of results as images, ascii or xls files for flexible reports generation. 

Creation and use of analytical tasks to apply similar treatments on multiple results for overlay and comparison of multiple results.
Record of all raw data allowing flexible reprocessing, ability to display the entire depth profile measurement from a bulk result, to use layered samples in any program  or to apply bulk programs for surface measurements and depth profile programs for bulk.


Intelligent Quantification models including the Sputtering Rate mode that follows the ISO standard and the new Layer Mode for advanced materials. Measurement of concentrations (in At%, M% vs depth, coating weights, layer thicknesses). 2D/3D associated crater profiles.


When the monochromator is used in a scanning mode (with a measurement at every picometer) the entire emission spectrum of a material can be recorded with the highest optical resolution and without saturation as the HDD is used. This is called the “Image”.
Two minutes are needed for acquisition of the full fingerprint of bulk samples and thick layers (or even thinner layers using pulsed operation). Materials can be compared through their “Images”, and a database of wavelengths identifies the elements present.


Operating system: Windows 10

Language: Multilanguage software

Display: Real Time Display of the recorded profiles.

Analytical support:

  • Time Plus and Plasma Cleaning functions built in.
  • Quantification algorithms built in
  • DBs of spectral lines, possible interferences, Relative Sputtering Rates
  • Software that can be installed on multiple locations with easy Export/Import of analytical information.

Reports: Flexible report generation

Control software: Full control of all operating parameters and remote control capability for on line customer support


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