
Hemostasis Reagents

Thrombophilia is a disorder of hemostasis in which there is a tendency for the occurrence of thrombosis. This tendency can be inherited or acquired. HORIBA Medical offers a comprehensive range of screening assays for thrombophilia.

  • Antithrombin
  • Protein C
  • Protein S
  • Lupus anticoagulants:  DRVVT and APTT pathways

Diagnosis of Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome is defined by the presence of persistent antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with vascular thrombosis or pregnancy morbidity. HORIBA Medical offers the full range of reagents for the diagnosis of lupus anticoagulants by both the DRVVT and APTT pathways according to the international guidelines:

  • DVVtest® 10DVV Confirm® 5
  • Yumizen G APTT Liq 4 / Yumizen G APTT


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA Medical sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Segment: Medical
Division: Hemostasis

Thrombophilia Reagents

ReferenceProduct NameFormulationPackagingSystems
1300081528ACTICHROME ATIII *Lyophilized6 x (2 + 2 mL)Yumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081527ACTICLOT C *Lyophilized3 x (1.5 mL + 1.5 mL)Yumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081526ACTICLOT Protein S *Lyophilized4 x 1 mL + 6 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300079431DVVtest10 *Lyophilized10 x 2 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300079433DVVconfirm 5 *Lyophilized10 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h

Controls & Calibrators

ReferenceProduct NameFormulationPackagingSystems
1300079434LAtrol Abnormal Control Plasma *Lyophilized10 x 0.5 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300079435LAtrol Normal Control Plasma *Lyophilized10 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081529Special Coagulation Control Normal *Lyophilized10 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081560Special Coagulation Control Abnormal *Lyophilized10 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h
1300081561Special Coagulation Calibrator PC/PS/AT *Lyophilized6 x 1 mLYumizen G1550/G1550h/G1500/G1500h/G850/G850h/G800/G800h

* Supplied by BioMedica Diagnostics

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