Together, we will cross and overcome this epidemic.
Today we are determined to overcome these confinement constraints in order to prevent the spread of this virus. We face an unprecedented crisis situation as citizens, employees or simply as human beings. Thus, all of HORIBA Medical and all of its teams are committed to ensuring business continuity across all of our services for the benefit of our suppliers, customers and patients. The production of instruments and reagents are maintained as well as the support departments of the company which are also connected in order to stay by your side whatever your requests. Obviously, we follow daily updates and scrupulously respect the health and safety instructions in order to preserve our collaborators on the spot while having, thanks to the support of the IT department, deployed an important teleworking network.
As Susan SONTAG wrote, "our first duty is human solidarity", for us, the next is to continue to do everything possible to listen to you and meet your needs.
HORIBA Medical France Team
12 May 2020, Montpellier - France
HORIBA Medical is further strengthening its protection measures against CORONAVIRUS to maintain its commitments to customers around the World. Together, we are going to halt and overcome this epidemic and, in particular, by applying strict and effective health and safety measures.
Thus, on April 21, General Management decided, as a preventive measure, to deploy a Covid-19 screening program by PCR tests (naso-pharangeal swab) for all employees on site. This rigorously supervised program has diagnosed all employees present and, by the same token, has allowed us to structure the global human resources in order to continue our industrial activities under the safest conditions.
Of course, we are following a complete system of preventive measures ranging from taking the temperature of personnel at the entrance to the site to applying barrier measures such as wearing a mask, gloves and above all, respecting safety distances. Thanks to these approaches, we are able to fulfill our obligations towards laboratories by prioritizing the delivery of our blood analyzers on 5 continents. Production of instruments & reagents can thereby be continued without interruption and the international support departments too.
HORIBA Medical France Team
12 April 2020, Montpellier - France
HORIBA Medical is a partner of the University Hospital of Montpellier (CHU de Montpellier) and the Joint Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic Infections Research Unit (Inserm / EFS / Université de Montpellier) headed by Pr Philippe Van de Perre, coordinator of the bacteriology and virology department of the Montpellier University Hospital). It is a project for the development of biomarkers predictive of a poorer respiratory evolution associated with positive screening for Covid-19 infection. It is essential to have a triage test at the front door of the health system allowing hospitalization of patients most at risk of progressing to a severe form, while providing home care for patients least worrying. Several studies demonstrate the relevance of the parameters available on HORIBA Medical's hematology analyzer Microsemi CRP and Pentra MS CRPfor sorting patients. HORIBA Medical has therefore proposed the installation of these instruments in the virology laboratory of the Montpellier University Hospital so that the blood samples, available as part of this project, are tested. The installation was carried out by our International Technical Service teams on April 9 and 10, 2020 and the first samples will be analyzed from April 14, 2020.