
HORIBA is a global leader in providing comprehensive analysis solutions across a wide range of Earth Sciences from soil science to space physics and from palaeontology to petroleum geoscience.
Through collaborations with universities across the globe and industry, HORIBA is continually developing and advancing new technologies and research within the monitoring, movement and impact of contaminants and pollutants in the environment, thus alleviating the risks associated with contaminated water, air and land.
HORIBA is committed to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the environment through analysis and measurement technology.
Applications / Research areas:
다항목 수질 측정기
Air Pollution Monitor
Ambient Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor
휴대용 가스분석기
범용 멀티 가스 분석기
Raman Spectrometer - Confocal Raman Microscope
Affordable Benchtop Raman Spectrometer
멀티 레이저 나노 입자 추적 분석기
Steady State and Lifetime Nanotechnology EEM Spectrofluorometer
Raman Microscope
Confocal Raman Microscope
Obtaining the full benefit of your analysis acquisition is HORIBA’s primary objective. HORIBA is one of the few companies that provide full collegial support.
Their experienced applications team are available to you for consultation and training at any of their applications centres around the world. HORIBA’s pledge to you is to ensure you obtain the greatest return on investment from your HORIBA acquisition.
Personalised instruction in the theory and practice of their equipment and applications. One-on-one consultation for experimental planning, review of results, analysis and interpretation of data, and current research from peer reviewed literature.
HORIBA제품의 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 아래의 양식에 내용을 입력을 부탁드립니다.