
Astronomy includes cosmology, the solar system, gas giants, terrestrial worlds, and galactic astronomy. HORIBA are experts in spectrum analysis. This has enabled our holographic gratings to be used on the COS instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope and helped HORIBA win prestigious awards from NASA.

Interest of the Month

Gratings for Astronomy

HORIBA Scientific proposes large size Transmission Holographic Fused Silica Etched (FSE) gratings or Ruled blazed reflection gratings for Astronomy.

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The James Webb Space Telescope

How do thin films help NASA uncover the secrets to the universe

The James Webb Space Telescope, launching in March 2021, will study every phase in the history of our cosmos. It is science’s next generation launching telescope, replacing the Hubble Telescope, and will measure many facets of the universe. 

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Gratings for Astronomy

HORIBA proposes large size Transmission Holographic Fused Silica Etched (FSE) gratings or Ruled blazed reflection gratings for Astronomy.

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