
산소/질소/수소 분석기

금속 및 고체 재료 (철강, 금속, 세라믹, 전자 재료) 등의 특성과 성능은 산소, 질소, 수소의 양에 의해 결정됩니다. EMGA 시리즈는 이러한 재료의 특성과 성질에 대해 소량으로도 정확하게 분석이 가능합니다.

EMGA 시리즈 산소/질소/수소 분석기는 분석 정확도와 성능을 향상시키면서 분석 시간과 비용을 크게 줄일 수 있는 장점이 있습니다.

HORIBA는 재료 연구 개발 및 품질 관리의 효율성 향상을 위해 서포트하겠습니다.

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.


  • Equipped with various navigation functions
    HORIBA provides our customers with full support, from analysis and maintenance to recovering from problems, by taking advantage of our know-how developed through long years of experience by their side. Smooth operation of the analyzers contributes to reducing working hours.
  • Rich lineup of options
    In addition to the auto sampler, auto-cleaner, and automation systems for supplying crucibles that were developed to reflect the needs of customers, the fully automated analysis option reduces labor for analysis and realizes stable analysis. We also offer optional units according to various samples including a halogen trap unit.

Fast measurement

HORIBA’ s proprietary sequence algorithm reduces the analysis cycle time*      * Patent applied

Ultratrace, high accuracy, high reproducibility

HORIBA’ s proprietary detectors

The EMGA Series has NDIR gas detectors developed, designed, and manufactured by HORIBA. Based on detailed design and sophisticated production technology, these detectors are manufactured with close attention to all processes, from the polishing and assembly of components to adjustment and confirmation of stable operation. Our thorough quality control provides stable and highly reliable measurement for an extended period with the EMGA Series. In addition, we have also developed the TCD detector in-house so that these analyzers can demonstrate the best performance.


Reduced maintenance work hours and frequency

Use of a new mechanism for replacing consumables

  • Easy replacement of lower electrodes*      * Patent applied
    With the new design for replacing the chip all you have to do is remove the lower electrode cap to replace the chip. This mechanism reduces the amount of time it takes to approximately 1/10.

  • With the new mechanism for replacing the dust filter you only need to replace the thin filter inside the filter holder. This has also reduced the filter replacement frequency to 1/10 (replacement required after about 500 uses).
  • Significantly reduced carrier gas consumption*      * Patent applied
    The number of measurements that can be performed with one gas cylinder has significantly increased from about 1,400 times to 2,300 times when a 47-liter cylinder is used.

Various navigation functions that fully assist analysis

The EMGA Series' unique software includes HORIBA's analysis know-how, "Analysis Navigation" that assists in proposing optimal measurement conditions and operating procedures according to the measurement sample, and maintenance work that can be done by checking the maintenance procedure in a video. "Maintenance Navigation" and "Troubleshooting Navigation" that navigates from the alarm display to the recovery of the device are installed.

1. Analysis Navigation

2. Maintenance Navigation
The user is led through maintenance work items, procedure, and method. They check the videos which shows of actual maintenance work, ensuring safety and thorough work, and reducing differences in maintenance work performed among individuals, contributing to stable operation of the analyzer.

  • Maintenance Navigation Screen
  • Maintenance Screen
    User can perform operations, including solenoid valve operation and leak checks, that are necessary for maintenance work.
  • Maintenance Counter Screen
    The current value and threshold for each maintenance item are shown. If the set threshold is reached, you can display an alarm about the need for maintenance.

3. Troubleshooting Navigation
The user is led to the best recovery method from the alarm being displayed screen that explain of recovering with using images and videos. Suggestions on troubleshooting steps that can be applied on site will lead to reduced down time of instrument.
Troubleshooting Navigation Screen

Accelerated labor saving through automated analysis

Rich customization options

The EMGA Series features a number of functions required for the automation of measurement, saving labor for measurement work and ensuring safety.

With a “crucible loader” for automatically supplying crucibles, an “auto-cleaner” for automatically cleaning electrodes and disposing of crucibles, an “auto sampler” for automatic loading of samples, and the “automated analysis system,” the analyzers achieve a clean and safe measurement environment that will not dirty the measurement operator’ s hands. In addition, the optimized automation sequence simplifies operation down to just loading the sample and pressing the start button after entering the preset (measurement conditions and sample name).

  • Crucible loader unit (Automated crucible supply system)*      * Patent number : US8172072, EP2138849, CN105510614, JP05086918, JP05068702
    Precise capture and positioning of crucibles by rotary mechanism. Maximum stock: 100 pcs. Compatible with stanadard/long type crucibles. Watch the video
  • Auto-cleaner*      * Patent number : JP05198947, JP05155751
    Two rotating brushes clean the upper and lower electrodes after each measurement. The vacuum cleaner prevents contamination by removing dust. Watch the video
  • Auto sampler
    Samples and fluxes are automatically loaded. Up to 22 samples and fluxes can be set. Watch the video
  • Full automation analysis system      * Patent number: JP05043802
    This system supports full automation of analysis work. It has a complete safety mechanism and also supports communication with an online host system. The system can be customized according to the measurement conditions and communication specifications of customers. (Example: from weighing to completion of the analysis)
    * The specification of the options shown in the photos may be different from those of actual options.


Principle and Gas flow diagram

The sample is placed in a graphite crucible and the crucible is maintained between the upper and the lower electrode of the impulse furnace.  A high current power passes through the crucible to create a high temperature. 

The oxide in the sample reacts with the graphite crucible, and is extracted as carbon monoxide (CO), and carried together with the carrier gas. The extracted gas is directly analysed after the dust filter. According to the oxygen concentration, it is determined by CO or CO2 after pass throw oxidizer (Copper Oxide) with a non-dispersive infrared.

The Hydrogen is determined with a non-dispersive infrared analyser as H2O after H2 passes through the oxidizer (Copper Oxide).

The Nitrogen in the sample is extracted as nitrogen gas (N2) and its concentration is determined by a thermal conductivity detector (TCD).

Selectable option

ModelAuto cleanerCrucible loaderAuto sample  C-550 (Gas conversion) ONH 3componentsSpecial support/ acceptance 





Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon Analysis in Nuclear Fuels
Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon Analysis in Nuclear Fuels
From the perspective of ensuring energy security and reducing CO2 emissions, the use of nuclear energy is attracting worldwide attention. A joint declaration was also released by 25 countries setting forth a cooperation policy toward the ambitious goal of tripling the world's nuclear power generation capacity by 2050 compared to 2020 levels. The safety of nuclear fuel as well as the improvement of fuel performance is extremely important, and the content of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon must be strictly controlled in nuclear material performance.
Purity Analysis in Precious Metal Recycling
Purity Analysis in Precious Metal Recycling
While precious metals such as Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd are finite materials, they are essential for electronic components and functional materials. Therefore, it is important to separate and extract the necessary precious metals from the final products and recycle them as high-purity precious metals in order to secure resources and reduce costs. Impurities, which must be controlled, include light elements such as carbon, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. For example, Au (gold) used in electronic devices must be at least 99.999% pure.
Quantitative Measurement in Lithium Manganate
Quantitative Measurement in Lithium Manganate
With the increasing demand for lithium-ion batteries, various compounds have been investigated as cathode materials. Typical examples include lithium cobaltite and lithium manganate, and the amount of oxygen deficiency is important as one of the items to evaluate the material properties. This is because deficient oxygen has an important influence on battery performance.
Analysis of Oxygen (O) and Nitrogen (N) in Metal 3D Printer Materials
Analysis of Oxygen (O) and Nitrogen (N) in Metal 3D Printer Materials
Stainless steel, Ti, Al, and Cu are commonly used as metal 3D printing materials, and customers have expressed a desire to be able to quickly manage the amounts of oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) in those materials. For example, if the Ti material contains a large amount of oxygen (O), oxides will be produced, which can lead to defects in the printed part.
Quantitative Analysis of Oxygen in Silicon Wafers
Quantitative Analysis of Oxygen in Silicon Wafers
The concentration of oxygen in silicon wafers has a significant impact on their electrical resistance. Therefore, it is crucial to control the concentration of oxygen, even in extremely small amounts, in silicon wafers. However, a challenge arises when analyzing highly doped single crystals. Due to their unique properties and high doping levels, the analysis of oxygen in these samples becomes more difficult. The presence of impurities and dopants can interfere with the accurate measurement of oxygen concentration using FT-IR spectroscopy.
Oxygen and Nitrogen determination in Boron Nitride
Oxygen and Nitrogen determination in Boron Nitride
This application note will show the relevance of the EMGA-920 to measure high levels of nitrogen while simultaneously determininig low levels of Oxygen with good precision.
Oxygen and Nitrogen determination in Aluminium Nitride
Oxygen and Nitrogen determination in Aluminium Nitride
This application note will show the relevance of the EMGA-920 to measure high level of Nitrogen while maintaining the needed precision for Oxygen determination in AIN.
The Hydrogen Analysis of Solid Samples
The Hydrogen Analysis of Solid Samples
Each year the marketplace sees increasing demands for the analysis of hydrogen contained in various sample materials.
Hydrogen Analysis in steel and metals: Solid Extraction or Fusion
Hydrogen Analysis in steel and metals: Solid Extraction or Fusion
EMGA has been designed for accurate measurements of hydrogen content in different sample types such as ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, semiconductors or electronic materials. The hydrogen content is extracted by fusion of the sample in inert gas and analyzed by a high sensitivity thermal conductivity detector. It is also possible to avoid fusion and extract hydrogen content in the sample by heating below the melting point. The purpose of this note is to explain when to use fusion or solid extraction, the benefits, the applications and samples.
Sample Preparation and Sampling Methods for the Gas Analysis of Steel
Sample Preparation and Sampling Methods for the Gas Analysis of Steel
Quality Assurance for the Analysis of Steel by Gas Component Analysis
Quality Assurance for the Analysis of Steel by Gas Component Analysis

제품 문의

HORIBA제품의 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 아래의 양식에 내용을 입력을 부탁드립니다.

* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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