ENDA-7000 Series

Stack Gas Analyzer

After decades of experience in precise stack gas measurement, HORIBA's brand new ENDA series represents the ultimate stack gas analyzer. With enhanced lower cost and reduced maintenance time, high sensitivity, and usability, we focused on the users' point of view. The ENDA-7000 is designed to continuously measure the concentrations of NOX, SO2, CO, CO2, O2, and NH3 in stack flue gas streams. The model is offered in dozens of combinations based on your measurement requirements. The ENDA-7000 uses an extractive method which measures undiluted sample gases, and is very suitable to stack gas measurements such as shale gas, LNG, or biogas and other combustion applications. The ENDA-7000 is an excellent choice for measurements in power generation facilities, boilers, furnaces, steel manufacturing, cement plants, pulp and paper mills, etc.

Each system consists of a 15 inch color touch screen display, an analyzer bench which measures up to 6 gas components in a 19" rack mount unit, and a sampling system which includes low maintenance and cost effective vacuum type sampling. The system is also flexibly expandable with other peripheral devices such as dust and flow monitors.

The ENDA-7000 is also capable of remote maintenance linked with other communication devices such as smart phones; therefore you can easily access your ENDA-7000 to monitor the status of sensors and meters wherever you are. The new ENDA guarantees your satisfaction of gas measurement needs.

*This product is available only in the United States.

Division: Combustion
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.

Selection of countries and territories where this product is available:
United States
View the complete list here.

  • Compliant for USEPA 40 CFR 40/60/75 applications
  • Simple operation from a touch screen operator interface
  • Intuitive menus for multiple daily operations
  • Accepts analog or digital inputs and controls external devices such as  opacity and flow monitors and other instruments to provide common control and reporting
  • Reliable, accurate measurement with accepted methods including NDIR(NOX/SO2/CO/CO2), Chemiluminescence(NOX/NH3), NDUV (SO2), and magneto-pneumatic (O2) technology 
  • Easy Access flow panel with optional flow sensors
  • Modular design means analyzer modules can be replaced in minutes or added in the future to provide additional gas measurements
  • High availability assured with long-term data storage, monitoring of over 200 alarms and system diagnostics
  • Rugged industrial design withstands vibrations
  • Ready access power distribution panel

Principle of measurement


CLD: Chemiluminescence detection
NDIR: Non-dispersive infrared
NDUV: Non-dispersive ultraviolet
MPA: Magneto-pneumatic



0-5/5000 ppm (dual range)


0-200/5000 ppm (dual range) 

SO2 (Low)NDUV0-10/1000 or 0-5/1000 ppm

0-200/5000 ppm (dual range)


0-5/500 ppm (dual range)


0-100/5000 ppm (dual range)


0-5 vol%


0-5/50 vol%


0-5/25 vol%


0-10/100 ppm (dual range)


±0.5% full-scale
±0.1% full-scale (optional range)

Zero drift

±1.0% full-scale per week
±2.0% full-scale per week (optional range)

Span drift

±2.0% full-scale per week


±1.0% full-scale per week
±2.0% full-scale per week (optional range)


RS-232C, RS-485

Serial Ports

USB, Ethernet

Ambient temperature

Standard: +5°C to 40°C,
Option: -5°C to 50°C

Response time

45 seconds max. at system inlet (T90)

Total interference

±2.0% full-scale

[system in cabinet]

[inches] 25.6 (W) x 32 (D) x 75 (H)
[mm] 651 (W) x 813 (D) x 1905(H)

[system in cabinet]

Approx. 700 lb (318 kg)

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