
Characterizing Tooth Decay with Fluorescence


Characterizing Tooth Decay with Fluorescence Introduction

Characterizing Tooth Decay with Fluorescence - Quick and quantitative analytical evaluation of tooth decay is required in any study of the environmental factors promoting such decay.

Quick and quantitative analytical evaluation of tooth decay is required in any study of the environmental factors promoting such decay. This information is essential to any study of which dental products are most effective in slowing or arresting the decay.

Teeth are naturally fluorescent solids, and are highly-scattering samples that can introduce interference that would mask fluorescence indicators. Thus, a SPEX® FLUOROLOG® spectrofluorometer was selected, taking advantage of double monochromators for ultra-pure spectra. Use of a FLUOROLOG® allowed picosecond time-discrimination via the FLUOROLOG®-Tau lifetime accessory for even more information about the samples.

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