In the frame of the European PEMs4Nano project, nanoparticles from combustion engine emission have been deposited on gold substrates and imaged by AFM and its combined nano-resolution chemical TERS mode. Focus has been on sub-23 nm particles which are investigated for their health impact and are to be soon under regulation rules. Particles imaged by AFM are characterized by their size with a resolution of +/- 1 nm. Correlated TERS maps with a pixel size of 7 nm and below reveal the chemical complexity through the deconvoluted D and G band signatures. Using the D1 over (G+D2) band intensity ratio which is an indicator of the degree of order in soot structure, TERS is capable of distinguishing between combustion engine emitted nanoparticles of different structure.
AFM-Raman for physical and chemical imaging
AFM-Raman for Physical and Chemical imaging
Real-time and Direct Correlative Nanoscopy
Versatile AFM Optical Coupling
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