Kava (Piper methysticum) is a shrub in the pepper family that is native to the islands of the South Pacific. The root is traditionally consumed as a beverage for recreational and therapeutic purposes, and it has a reputation as a sedative, anxiolytic, and promoter of sociability. It has gained popularity outside of its endemic region and is widely available. Because different pharmacological effects are linked to different varieties of kava, and because variety can be linked to a profile of the constituents kavalactones and flavokavains, measurement of these components promotes safe and effective use of the plant. In this application note, a method for accurately predicting the amounts of major constituents of kava root from spectroscopic absorbance and fluorescence measurements made with the HORIBA Aqualog® and the A-TEEM technique is presented. A partial least-squares regression chemometric model is built using a set of kava samples with known chemistry, and refinement of the model and appropriate scope for its application are discussed.
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