
TERS Characterization of Single- to Few-Layer Ti₃C₂Tₓ MXene

Nanoscale chemical imaging of Single- to Few-Layer Ti₃C₂Tₓ MXene

TERS Characterization of Single- to Few-Layer Ti₃C₂Tₓ MXene

MXenes are a large 2D materials family gaining interest for their high electronic conductivity and hydrophilic surface. This application note reports on nano-resolved chemical imaging of single-layer and few-layer flakes of Ti₃C₂Tₓ MXene deposited on a gold substrate using TERS. It is observed that the relative intensity of the Eg peak at 126 cm-1 and A1g(C) peak at 725 cm-1 as compared to the intensity of the 201 cm-1 peak, increases with thickness. This finding permits the differentiation between monolayers and the few-layer thick flakes based on TERS spectra. Special TERS response was measured from nanowrinkles compared to flat areas. This note also shows that TERS signal can be used to monitor the onset of degradation of single- and few-layer flakes of Ti₃C₂Tₓ.

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