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New Methods for Particle Size and Shape Analysis

EyePASS 3.1 is the latest version of the Eyecon2 image analysis software. It includes several new exciting features for particle size and shape analysis. Including:

• New methods of reporting particle size, such as Feret diameter, Martin diameter.
• New methods of reporting particle shape, such as eccentricity, aspect ratio, circularity, sphericity, elongation, convexity, and compactness.
• Improved report options including per particle data.

This webinar will provide an overview of the new features of EyePASS 3.1 and how they can be used to provide more insight into determining particle size and shape.


  • Girish Mallya, Senior software developer, will elaborate on how these new features are calculated and implemented within EyePASS 3.1.
  • Laryssa Gorato, Associate product manager, will demonstrate the practicality of these new features by extracting these new data points to correlate the data against sieve analysis.

View this webinar and more on our YouTube channel

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Direct Imaging Particle Analyzer

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