
Dye‐Protein Binding Monitored in a Microliter Volume Using Time-Resolved Fluorescence

The potential health benefits stemming from the antioxidant activity of curcumin, commonly found in turmeric (Curcuma longa L), has attracted the interest of several research groups. To fully investigate curcumin's potential there is an obvious need to elucidate its interaction with proteins and this has already resulted in several published works. Fluorescence is a powerful technique by which to uncover molecular interactions, principally because of its sensitivity. Time‐resolved fluorescence adds an extra dimension and has the major advantage that the fluorescence lifetime is largely independent of concentration and illumination intensity, thus returning an absolute measurement. Curcuminoids can be weakly fluorescent in aqueous solution, but their quantum yield increases upon interaction with a protein, such as human serum albumin (Fig. 1). This interaction is addressable by fluorescence measurement techniques.

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