Nanocellulose is a fibrous substance derived from wood and is attracting attention as a cutting-edge material. Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) manufactured by TEMPO oxidation are cellulose fibers that have added carboxy groups at high density. This type of CNF is made with high efficiency and is characterized by a very thin and uniform fiber width of about 3 nm. It is useful as food additives, biodegradable food packaging, pigments, selective delivery/separation, cell engineering, nanocomposites, and other medical and pharmaceutical products. To utilize nanocellulose, it is important to understand the fiber diameter and dispersion state. To do so, it is necessary to have an analytical method that can quickly evaluate a wide ranges of particle size distribution, from well-dispersed particles to agglomerates at high resolution.
Centrifugal Nanoparticle Analyzer
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