Forensic science is the scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past which is then used in a court of law. With HORIBA Scientific’s non destructive and fast analysis methods, both onsite and in the lab, tests can be carried out to investigate and establish facts in criminal and civil courts of law.
HORIBA’s automated Fingerprint Imaging, Forensic Light sources, Raman microscope’s and X-Ray Fluorimeters are designed to be used at the crime scene and in the laboratory to analyse evidence.
Forensic Light Sources are important tools to aid in evidence detection both at the crime scene and in the laboratory. When utilized to their fullest potential, many different types of evidence can be enhanced and more easily located for later collection.
Find Out MoreThe HandScope LED is shockingly intense. Packed with multiple LEDs per color, each wavelength produces exceptional power, causing fluorescence for the application associated with each wavelength.
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