

AFM 平台允許完全整合使用共焦拉曼顯微鏡和 AFM 進行尖端增強光學光譜(例如尖端增強拉曼光譜 (TERS) 和尖端增強光致發光 (TEPL)),但也可用於真正的共定位 AFM-拉曼測量。

可以使用拉曼光譜儀中可用的任何雷射光源或其他外部照明(例如太陽模擬器或其他可調諧或連續光源)來執行多種AFM(原子力顯微鏡)技術,這些技術可以研究形貌、電氣和機械特性。 TERS和TEPL可以提供奈米級化學和結構訊息,使AFM-拉曼平台成為雙向道路; 其中互補技術相互提供新穎且獨特的成像能力。


採用 AFM-拉曼、TERS、NSOM 的奈米光譜解決方案

HORIBA 領先的拉曼技術現已與原子力顯微鏡 (AFM) 整合。 最終結果是在一台多功能儀器中進行更全面的樣品表徵,用於快速同步共定位 AFM-拉曼測量、尖端增強拉曼光譜 (TERS) 和尖端增強光致發光 (TEPL)。


相關尖端增強光譜和 SPM 我們在本次網路研討會上展示了新的奈米成像功能。

TERS(尖端增強拉曼光譜)和 TEPL(尖端增強光致發光)等尖端增強光學光譜 (TEOS) 為分子、一維和二維材料、半導體奈米結構和生物材料的表徵提供了獨特的功能。

Technology & F.A.Q.

AFM-拉曼(共定位測量和 TERS) TERS 將拉曼光譜引入奈米級分辨率成像。




“(…) Thanks to the customer-oriented culture of HORIBA, the nano-Raman team of LPICM is currently updating its “historical” prototype with the novel TERS system. It will allow us (…) to initiate new research areas, impossible to address with the present system.”
Prof. Razvigor OSSIKOVSKI, nano-Raman team leader, LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique, France

User's papers


造訪 AFM-拉曼用戶出版物列表,了解 TERS 和 TEPL 如何產生巨大的科學影響。



我們的培訓師是 AFM-拉曼技術的專家。 他們將提供培訓建議和指導,以充分利用您的 HORIBA Scientific 儀器。 您將在樣品分析中獲得信心和經驗。


Simultaneous structural and chemical characterization with colocalized AFM-Raman

The combination of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Raman spectroscopy provides deep insights into the complex properties of various materials. While Raman spectroscopy facilitates the chemical characterization of compounds, interfaces and complex matrices, offering crucial insights into molecular structures and compositions, including microscale contaminants and trace materials. AFM provides essential data on topography and mechanical properties, such as surface texture, adhesion, roughness, and stiffness at the nanoscale.

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Webinar: Characterizing semiconductor materials by optical microspectroscopies

The growing of semiconductor materials industrialization requires technologies to characterize their properties. Optical microspectroscopic platforms like Raman microscopes offer both physical and chemical information in one system. Thus, process qualification, wafer uniformity assessment, or defects inspection of wafers can be achieved with Raman microscopy. These can also be applied to new materials characterization.

In this webinar, we will highlight how Photoluminescence and Raman microscopies can address semiconductor challenges. We will also show how the combination of micro-spectroscopies with AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) can provide nano resolution and deeper understanding of these structures.

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Colocalized AFM-Raman Analysis of Graphene

Colocalized AFM-Raman Analysis of Graphene

True colocalized topographic, electrical, and chemical characterization of exfoliated graphene flakes

Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, exhibits remarkable electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, making it a subject of extensive research in various scientific fields.

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Colocalized AFM-Raman Analysis of 2D Materials Heterostructures

Colocalized AFM-Raman Analysis of 2D Materials Heterostructures

True colocalized topographic, electrical, and chemical characterization of Van der Waals heterostructures

Van der Waals heterostructures, with their unique properties arising from the weak interlayer coupling and strong in-plane bonding, offer exciting opportunities for the design of novel materials with tailored electronic, optical, and mechanical properties.

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RamanFest 2023

The 10th International Conference on Advanced Applied Raman Spectroscopy (RamanFest 2023) will feature presentations from world-leading Raman experts and researchers using the technique across varied applications within life science, materials science, and energy and environmental analysis. It will bring together the world's Raman community to share, learn and discuss how Raman spectroscopy is being applied to today's problems and pioneering tomorrow's capabilities.

Official website
TERS Characterization of Lipid Nanotubes as Carbonaceous Material for Electrodes

作為電極碳質材料的脂質奈米管的 TERS 表徵

用於製造奈米電極的熱解脂質奈米管的 TERS 表徵 三十年來,人們一直致力於 3D 結構碳化的研究,尤其是在電子應用上的碳化。 這些結構是在光刻的幫助下製備的,然後進行熱解。 為了製造 100 nm 以下的特徵,嘗試了使用脂質奈米管的自下而上的方法。

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TERS Characterization of Single- to Few-Layer Ti₃C₂Tₓ MXene

單層到少層 Ti₃C2Tₓ MXene 的 TERS 表徵

單層到少層 Ti₃C2Tₓ MXene 的奈米級化學成像 MXenes 是最大且成長最快的 2D 材料。

它們具有獨特的性能,例如良好的導電性和親水性表面。 奈米級成分的控制最終將允許局部工程特性,從而獲得對基於二維材料的系統的更多控制。

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TERS on Functionalized Gold Nanostructures for Nano-scale Biosensing

用於奈米級生物感測的功能化金奈米結構的 TERS

SERS 熱點的 TERS 奈米定位 表面增強拉曼散射 (SERS) 是一種強大的基於等離子體的生物感測分析技術。

SERS 效應依賴奈米結構,需要設計奈米結構以最大限度地提高增強因子和分子特異性。 除了數值建模之外,能夠對局部增強進行成像的分析工具也將具有附加價值。

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TERS Characterization of phospholipid bilayers and detection of nanoparticles

TERS Characterization of phospholipid bilayers and detection of nanoparticles

Non-destructive and label-free hyperspectral chemical imaging of phospholipid bilayers with spatial resolution of 7 nm

Phospholipid bilayers, major constituents of membranes act as a barrier of selective permeability for the nanoparticles now largely into our environment. Studying the interactions between nanoparticles and cellular membranes requires a molecular chemical probe with nanometer resolution capability.

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c-AFM and in operando TERS & µRaman Characterization of Molecular Switching in Organic Memristors

Emergence of organic memristors has been hindered by poor reproducibility, endurance stability scalability and low switching speed. Knowing the primary driving mechanism at the molecular scale will be the key to improve the robustness and reliability of such organic based devices.

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Correlated TERS and KPFM of Graphene Oxide Flakes

Correlated TERS and KPFM of Graphene Oxide Flakes

AFM-Raman and its TERS mode are used to show nanoscale surface mapping of structural defects and chemical groups on graphene oxide (GO) flakes with 10 nm spatial resolution. TERS mapping is combined with Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements for simultaneous topographical, electronic and chemical imaging of GO surface. The multi-parameter measurement methodology proposed in this note extends the capability of TERS allowing a direct correlation of local chemical composition and physical properties at the nanoscale not only for 2D materials but for almost any sample surface.

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AFM-TERS measurements in a liquid environment with side illumination/collection

AFM-TERS measurements in a liquid environment with side illumination/collection

This application note reveals the key instrumental details to succeed in TERS measurements in liquids using side illumination/collection geometry. Such capability aims at bringing breakthroughs in many applications such as heterogeneous catalysis, electrochemistry, cellular biology and biomaterials. In this note, nanoscale chemical imaging of graphene oxide flakes and carbon nanotubes immersed in water is demonstrated with a TERS resolution down to 20 nm along with true non-contact AFM images.

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Characterization of Nanoparticles from Combustion Engine Emission using AFM-TERS

Characterization of Nanoparticles from Combustion Engine Emission using AFM-TERS

A new concern for human health is now raised by sub-23 nm particles emitted by on-road motor vehicles. Beyond measuring particle number and mass, it is also critical to determine the surface chemical composition of the nanoparticles to understand the potential reactivity with the environment.

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Correlated TERS, TEPL and SPM Measurements of 2D Materials

Correlated TERS, TEPL and SPM Measurements of 2D Materials

This application note reports on nano-characterization of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) materials which are considered of very high potential semiconductors for future nanosized electronic and optoelectronic devices. Scanning probe microscopy giving access to the critical topographic and electronic properties at the nanoscale is coupled to photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopies by means of plasmon enhancement to yield correlated electrical and chemical information down to the nanoscale.

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Browse Products


Scanning Probe Microscope with Chemical Signature

LabRAM Soleil Nano
LabRAM Soleil Nano

Real-time and Direct Correlative Nanoscopy

LabRAM Odyssey Nano
LabRAM Odyssey Nano

AFM-Raman for physical and chemical imaging

XploRA Nano
XploRA Nano

AFM-Raman for Physical and Chemical imaging


The AFM optical platform


Advanced stand-alone AFM


Versatile AFM Optical Coupling


AFM and inverted light microscopy



* 這些欄位為必填項目。
