A-TEEM™ 代表同時吸收、透射和螢光激發發射矩陣 (EEM) 擷取。它是一種新穎、穩健且極為靈敏的分析技術。
HORIBA 的螢光部門融合了 SPEX、IBH、Jobin-Yvon、PTI 和 SLM(螢光光譜領域的主導品牌)的技術。我們提供最廣泛的穩態螢光光譜儀、螢光壽命光譜儀、穩態和壽命多功能儀器以及基於顯微鏡的顯微鏡解決方案。
Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements
Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer
Automated Organic Analysis & Early Warning Sentinel
A Simple, Fast, “Column Free” Molecular Fingerprinting Technology
The Gold Standard for Water CDOM Research
Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer
TCSPC/MCS Fluorescence Lifetime System
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Platform
TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
Steady State and Lifetime Nanotechnology EEM Spectrofluorometer
SPAD array imaging camera for dynamic FLIM studies at real time video rates
HORIBA’s latest development in TCSPC detector technology