
使用 A-TEEM 進行葡萄酒分析

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HORIBA 的 Aqualog 使用螢光光譜技術,可同時收集吸光度、透射率和螢光激發發射矩陣採集,更廣為人知的名稱是“A-TEEM”,它可以在幾秒鐘內表徵樣品的內容。它可以在不到一分鐘的時間內收集所有有色化合物和酚類化合物的全部成分。作為一個小單位,可以駐紮在整個釀酒廠的葡萄園中。


wine analysis

了解 A-TEEM 光譜在葡萄酒、烈酒、啤酒和茶分析中的作用。

Application Notes

Read the application notes created by our applications scientists using A-TEEM Molecular Fingerprinting.


我們的電子書是對 A-TEEM 各應用程式的全面調查。對於葡萄酒和烈酒分析,它提供了科學論文、案例研究和視頻,以便您更好地了解該類別的各種應用。






Aqualog for wine

了解哪些 HORIBA 產品採用了 A-TEEM 光譜技術。





事實上,在獨立實驗室中使用傳統的葡萄指紋方法分析單一樣本需要 35 到 90 分鐘。  每個樣品的成本可能高達數百美元。

典型的小型酒莊會在釀酒季節對每個酒田位置進行多次測試。 維護校準並將校準傳輸到現場和進行分析的地方至關重要。 葡萄酒分析涉及許多釀酒師感興趣的品質特徵,這些特徵與葡萄酒的顏色和酚類含量有關,這些化合物會影響葡萄酒的味道、顏色和口感。 所有這些特性,包括 pH 值和糖含量,都會透過儀器對每批葡萄進行常規評估。目的是進行一項代表特定葡萄園和葡萄園中不同位置的調查。 大型葡萄酒公司擁有許多不同的葡萄園,他們從中收集葡萄。因此,對於大多數小型葡萄園來說,管理所有關鍵參數的全面特徵顯然是昂貴的,更不用說非常大的葡萄園和葡萄酒公司了。


A-TEEM 是 HORIBA 專有的螢光光譜技術,可同時擷取吸光度、透射率以及螢光激發和發射矩陣測量,即時校正內部濾光片效應。


它用快速、廉價、準確的螢光光譜儀取代了葡萄酒分析中的 HPLC 具有 A-TEEM 功能的 Aqualog 可以在不到一分鐘的時間內運行樣品,並收集所有有色和酚類化合物的全部成分。酚類成分和濃度的分析可以完全自動化。



在葡萄中已發現的數百種不同化合物中,成熟葡萄漿果中的酚類含量從根本上決定了葡萄酒的品質。不同類別的酚類物質(花青素、單寧、黃酮醇、兒茶素)在不同程度上影響顏色、口感、風味和香氣,並且大多數這些化合物會發出螢光。包含這些酚類物質的各個化合物共同賦予了葡萄酒獨特的品質。 Aqualog 收集的 A-TEEM 資料用於上游和下游,以評估葡萄酒和葡萄汁的批次、區域和品種特徵。

Classical Least Squared (CLS) analysis of the wines and spirits

Classical Least Squared (CLS) analysis of the wines and spirits based upon a library of 9 phenolic compounds for illustrative purposes yields their relative contribution to the total phenolic fingerprint normalized to 100%. Significant differences between wines and spirits are reflected visibly in their phenolic compound fingerprints, acquired with Aqualog.


A-TEEM 可用於多種應用,從量化葡萄酒酚類物質到烈酒、啤酒的化學研究和茶的分類。選擇下面的欄位可找到最適合您需求的應用程式。


觀看網路研討會和視頻,了解 A-TEEM 光譜如何加快您的葡萄酒、烈酒、啤酒和茶分析需求。


查看有關 A-TEEM 光譜的出版物,並閱讀有關研究人員在實驗室中使用 A-TEEM 的真實文章。

A-TEEM 葡萄酒出版物

A-TEEM is a rapid spectroscopic approach for characterization of poly-phenolic content in red wines and can be used for wine-fingerprinting.
Multivariate spectroscopy for targeting phenolic choreography in wine with A-TEEM™ and NMR crosscheck non-targeted metabolomics

A-TEEM can evaluate of  >40 key wine quality control parameters including low-molecular weight phenolics, anthocyanins, basic chemistry parameters and tannins:
"Determination of Cabernet Sauvignon wine quality parameters in Chile by Absorbance-Transmission and fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrix (A-TEEM) spectroscopy"

A-TEEM has been used for geographical authentication for wines
"Authentication of the geographical origin of Australian Cabernet Sauvignon wines using spectrofluorometric and multi-element analyses with multivariate statistical modelling"

The Aqualog and A-TEEM spectroscopy can provide information on wine varieties and oxidation characteristics of key phenolic and anthocyanin compounds:
"Spectroscopic analysis of red wines with A-TEEM molecular fingerprinting"

The A-TEEM technique can be used for effective classification of wine-storage conditions to differentiate different American and French oak barrels from each other and stainless steel containers:
"Multivariate spectroscopy for targeting phenolic choreography in wine with A-TEEM and NMR crosscheck non-targeted metabolomics"

A-TEEM coupled with machine learning can be used for highly accurate classification of wines by both region and variety:
"Spectrofluorometric analysis combined with machine learning for geographical and varietal authentication, and prediction of phenolic compound concentrations in red wine"

This study documents the ability of the A-TEEM coupled with machine-learning methods to confirm the terroir of Shiraz wines:
"Application of fluorescence spectroscopy with multivariate analysis for authentication of Shiraz wines from different regions" 

This is an important study documenting the ability of the A-TEEM to authenticate and quantify mixtures of different wine varieties:
"Spectrofluorometric analysis to trace the molecular fingerprint of wine during the winemaking process and recognise the blending percentage of different varietal wines"

This study shows the benefits of asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation for non-invasiveness and reliability when characterizing the chromophoric colloidal matter in Burgundy wines:
"Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation of white wine chromophoric colloidal matter"

A unique study documenting how combined multivariate analysis of A-TEEM and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy can be a useful tool for monitoring wine fermentation:
"Multispectral fluorescence sensitivity to acidic and polyphenolic changes in Chardonnay wines – The case study of malolactic fermentation"

This study documents how the Aqualog and A-TEEM can provide exquisite correlations with sensory perception characteristics important for wine quality evaluation:
"Modelling Cabernet-Sauvignon wine sensory traits from spectrofluorometric data"

This study combines and correlates ultrahigh resolution MS and A-TEEM spectroscopies to understand how sulfites and stoppers influence the fingerprint characteristics of wine:
"Sulfites and the wine metabolome" 

This novel study revealed that SO2 – and vintage-dependent signatures, showed the extent of their effects on key fluorescence EEM components, even after several years of bottle aging:
"Fluorescence fingerprinting of bottled white wines can reveal memories related to sulfur dioxide treatments of the must"

This important study shows how MS and A-TEEM fingerprints reveal the effects of Grapevine Trunk Diseases on the leaf metabolome:
"Clone-Dependent Expression of Esca Disease Revealed by Leaf Metabolite Analysis"

This paper shows how untargeted A-TEEM analysis can be used to evaluate the influence of the Oenococcus oeni lifestyle (planktonic vs. biofilm) on malolactic acid fermentation:
"Chemical Transfers Occurring Through Oenococcus oeni Biofilm in Different Enological Conditions" 

A-TEEM 有關烈酒和啤酒的出版物

This study shows that the A-TEEM can differentiate whisky as a function of oak maturation time:
"Influence of regionality and maturation time on the chemical fingerprint of whisky."

A unique study comparing the type of distillation (Coffey vs. Pot still) and yeast lees aging of the molasses to show how A-TEEM spectroscopy can be used for effective classification:
"Effect of ageing on lees and distillation process on fermented sugarcane molasses for the production of rum."

Read about how A-TEEM spectroscopy and multivariate analysis can identify major components of beer and how these methods may serve as real-time monitors for key components including amino acids, phenolic compounds, iso-a-acid and vitamin B among others:
"Substances in beer that cause fluorescence: evaluating the qualitative and quantitative determination of these ingredients."

A-TEEM 中式茶葉的分析

Read about how the A-TEEM can accurately discriminate and authenticate teas by brick-type and brand:
"Excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric methods for characterization and authentication of Anhua brick tea"


Wildfire frequency and duration have increased in recent years
Detection of smoke taint in grapes and wine—a simpler, faster and less expensive optical method based on A-TEEM spectroscopy
Increasingly frequent wildfires and bushfires threaten grape and wine output. Read how fluorescence spectroscopy and A-TEEM technology can quantify smoke taint and yield cost and quality benefits.
From left to right: Jorge Zincker, Doreen Schober, and Mónica Rodríguez
Chilean grape and wine quality assessment with Aqualog A-TEEM analyses
See how scientists at Chile’s largest wine maker are using HORIBA’s Aqualog with A-TEEM technology to classify grapes and wines for quality and chemical composition.
Fine wine-making with the help of HORIBA tech
Fine wine-making with the help of HORIBA tech
There are a lot of quality characteristics that the winemakers are interested in that relate to the color of the wine and the phenolic content – compounds that affect the wine’s taste, color and mouthfeel.


Aqualog - A-TEEM Industrial QC/QA Analyzer
Aqualog - A-TEEM Industrial QC/QA Analyzer

A Simple, Fast, “Column Free” Molecular Fingerprinting Technology



* 這些欄位為必填項目。
