Applications in Macroscopic Raman Spectroscopy: From Industrial QC to Teaching LabsWebinarThis webinar will provide a general overview of Raman spectroscopy and HORIBA Scientific’s MacroRAM Raman spectrometer. Select application examples and measurement demonstrations will be presented for pharmaceutical, microplastic, and polymer samples.
Calibration of the Raman microscopeVideoRaman microscopy couples both submicron-scale spatial resolution and high spectral resolution. Thus, achieving the best performances is dependent on a good calibration in both spatial and spectral dimensions. In this video, the 5 different calibration routines applied on Raman microscopy are detailed to achieve ideal measurements while remaining compliant with regulations.
Combining Elemental/Chemical Analysis: When Micro-XRF Meets Raman MicroscopyWebinarIn this webinar, Thibault Brulé and Jocelyne Marciano will demonstrate how the combination of these two unique techniques can fully characterize the organic and inorganic layout over samples such as tablets, rocks, or pollutant particles on filter.
CytoViva's Hyperspectral Imaging combined with Raman technologyWebinarThis webinar will introduce the concept of combining an Enhanced Darkfield with Hyperspectral imaging on a Raman microscope.
Fast Raman Mapping on GrapheneWebinarSee how ultra-fast Raman mapping can be used to analyze graphene for number of layers and defects.
How do you optimize a Raman measurement?WebinarObtaining a very good Raman spectrum or image is not always very easy. Many parameters must be considered to get the ideal result. During this webinar we will describe the impact of each acquisition parameter and demonstrate how they can be easily optimized, especially in LabSpec6. Thus, Raman spectra and Raman maps acquisitions will become a child’s play for you.
How to calibrate a Raman microscope?WebinarRaman microscopy couples both submicron-scale spatial resolution and high spectral resolution. Thus, achieving the best performances is dependent on a good calibration in both spatial and spectral dimensions. During this webinar, we detailed the different calibration routines applied on Raman microscopy to achieve ideal measurements while remaining compliant with regulations. We also explained how these routines work and why they are important to consider.
How to correlate Raman with other microscopies?WebinarRaman microscopy provides both molecular and morphological information of the analyzed sample. However, sometimes it is not enough to fully understand a physical or chemical process. That's why the Raman information has to be coupled with complementary information. During this webinar, we will present the different solutions existing to combine Raman with other microscopy techniques in this aim, like SEM, AFM, or all other microscopy techniques.
How to process and analyze Raman data?WebinarDuring this webinar, we will explain impact of processing on Raman spectra and the solutions for Raman image analysis, including multivariate analyzes.
How to tailor Raman microscopy to your application?WebinarRaman microscopy is more and more becoming a standard method in many application domains. This transforms Raman microscopy from a high-end technique to one that is widely used. Consequently, it has to come with tips-and-tricks, but also with dedicated tools to support these different applications. These supporting tools can be accessories or software dedicated apps. During this webinar, we detailed the tools and accessories supporting Raman microscopy for specific applications.
Let’s go further in materials characterization thanks to co-localisation of Raman and micro-XRF analysisWebinarDuring this webinar we will show how combining Raman and µ-XRF characterization with this co-localization tool generates valuable information for a range of applications.
Live Event - Who Said That Raman Imaging Is Not User-Friendly?WebinarRaman microscopy can have the reputation of being difficult to handle. But with all our recent has become much easier for non-experts to access!
Multivariate Analysis in LabSpec 6WebinarAn introductory webinar addressed to beginners in the world of chemometrics, which explains why and how to use the multivariate methods, including data pre-processing, decomposition methods (PCA and MCR) and clustering.
Particle Finder™: The best tool for microplastic and nanoplastic investigationWebinarIn this webinar, explore how Raman microscopy can be used to identify and characterize microplastics and nanoplastic samples through examples such as hand sanitizer. Plus, gain an overview of the latest HORIBA Scientific solution software: Particle Finder™.
Plasmonic and Raman: SERS and TERSWebinarRaman spectroscopy is a good technique for chemical and physical characterization of materials, but suffers from a few limitations like a lack of sensitivity, or its micron scale resolution. Since the 1970s, the coupling of the plasmonic effect with Raman is more and more being used to overcome these limits. This phenomena association results in two enhanced Raman spectroscopies called SERS and TERS, respectively associated to Surface and Tip origins. During this webinar, we present how the coupling of plasmonic and Raman effects results to with SERS and TERS and details some applications.
Raman effect, what is it?WebinarMore and more, Raman microscopy is being used for a wide variety of applications. As a vibrational spectroscopy, it is mainly compared with Infrared absorption. However, the origins of this Raman effect and the information provided by Raman spectroscopy are different than any other. During this webinar, we will present what the Raman effect is and what kind of information can be obtained based on a Raman spectrum.
Raman Imaging on Implanted Si and PolysiliconWebinarThis webinar explains step-by-step how to analyze a polycrystalline implanted Si chip using the mapping capacities of LabSpec 6.
Raman Microscopy - When Chemicals Become ImagesWebinarUnderstanding the polymerization process, polymer structure, or identifying defects in final products is therefore very important for many laboratories. Raman microscopy is one of the most powerful techniques for obtaining accurate information when it comes to polymers.
Raman microscopy: the key elementsWebinarRaman microscopy is the combination of the Raman effect and optical microscopy. A Raman microscope is the association of multiple components where each of them is playing a specific role to achieve highly resolved and sensitive measurements. During this webinar, we present the role of each component of a Raman microscope and detail their characteristics and limits.
Raman Tips and Tricks: Crystalline OrientationVideoLearn how to measure the crystality of a sample using Raman spectroscopy.
Raman Tips and Tricks: Easy Way To Find Focal PointVideoIf you work with samples that are already challenging for finding a focal point. Samples that are rough or transparent, finding the focus or staying in focus can be difficult. We will walk through lower magnification objective and stepping to a higher magnification objective.
Raman Tips and Tricks: EMCCDVideoFor Raman samples generating low signals, acquirng images can be a long process, learn how adding a CCD to your Raman microscope can help.
Raman Tips and Tricks: Identify Raman Active SamplesVideoLearn how to scan the areas of unknown samples to see if the sample is Raman active.
Raman Tips and Tricks: Instrument Response FunctionVideoInstrument response function, HORIBA's instrumentation intensity system corrects for these variations.
Raman Tips and Tricks: Odd Shaped SamplesVideoLearn how to investigate odd shape samples with orientation tips to ensure you can see it under the Raman microscope.
Raman Tips and Tricks: Perfect Focus for Every WavelengthVideoBeing in focus is an important when acquiring Raman spectra, learn how to ensure you are in focus.
Raman Tips and Tricks: Slide InterenceVideoLooking at microscope slides with photoluminescence background will interfere with some samples, particularly when using 785nm excitation.
SERS BasicsWebinarAn accesssible introduction to the SERS effect: basics of SERS effect, substrates, possible application and tips & tricks.
Spectroscopy in :60 - KnowItAll HORIBA EditionVideoSeamless chemical ID with KnowItAll HORIBA Edition
Spectroscopy in :60 - MacroRAM Accessories & ProbesVideoAccessorize your MacroRAM for maximum versatility & flexibility
Spectroscopy in :60 - Remote Raman ProbesVideoBring Raman to your sample with an array of remote probes
Spectroscopy in :60 - Smart SamplingVideoSmart & 100x fast, mapping for highly detailed Raman imaging
Spectroscopy in :60 - χSTaiN app for Instant Raman AnalysisVideoHORIBA's χSTaiN app for LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Software
SRS, CARS, Resonant Raman, … What are they?WebinarStandard spontaneous Raman scattering effect is limited by its sensitivity. Different strategies are set in place to improve the sensitivity and the mapping speed based on different physical phenomena. These approaches resulted in the development of Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (SRS), Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS), Resonant Raman spectroscopy, etc., each of which have advantages and limitations. During this webinar, we will present the concept of these different techniques, and discuss their benefits and concerns.
Standard Microscope Spectroscopy (SMS) Systems Application Examples: Raman, PL, and more!WebinarIn this webinar, we discuss the spectroscopic capabilities of the SMS system, showing example applications for Raman, Photoluminescence (Fluorescence), Lifetime, Reflectance, Transmittance, Darkfield Scattering, and Electroluminescence.
Thin & Thick Films, an Introduction to HORIBA Solutions for Surface and Interface CharacterizationWebinarSee how AFM, Glow Discharge, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Raman, CathodoLuminescence and XRF combine to provide a multidimensional information on Surfaces and Interfaces of a large range of materials. This introduction will show the range of techniques available at Horiba and present on a few applications the complementary « point of view » they offer.
What Makes A Good Raman Microscope?WebinarRaman microscopy is an increasingly commonly used technique in analytical labs. However, only few manufacturers can provide high quality instruments that make an appropriate balance between flexibility and ease of use. Several key performance characteristics need to be considered when deciding what makes a good Raman microscope. In this webinar we will demonstrate, how the various instrument characteristics impact on what makes a good Raman microscope.
What makes Raman microscopy as the ideal coupling method between optical microscopy and chemical characterization?WebinarOptical microscopy is very common technique for visualization and characterization at the micron scale. Many modalities exist to highlight different features. However, the chemical information is almost always missing. Raman spectroscopy is a complementary technique that can provide chemical information about the sample. During this webinar, we presented how these different microscopy modalities, combined with Raman spectroscopy, make Raman microscopy so powerful.