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Jackson Pollock painting
Can Raman microscopy reveal art forgeries?
In a quiet NYC neighborhood, a frustrated artist created forgeries of America’s Modernistic masters. Raman Spectroscopy did him in.
Raman spectra of DayQuil™ and NyQuil™ collected with an immersion probe fiber-coupled to the MacroRAM™ Raman spectrometer, and a picture of the immersion probe setup.
Quantitative Analysis Using Raman Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Applications
Raman spectroscopy is well known as a powerful analytical method for qualitative chemical analysis. Less well known is that under certain conditions Raman spectroscopy can also be an effective method for quantitative analysis. Here we demonstrate that capability for quantitative analysis under a variety of conditions, involving different solutes in a solution and solution mixtures, and its applications to pharmaceutical analysis such as content uniformity.



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